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Five months sure flies by, doesn’t it? After our escape from the Retro Wasteland, Furpocalypse finds itself on an island basking in the sun of this strange new world. This year we face new and exciting adventures with our home at the Crowne Plaza in Stamford Connecticut. Our staff has been hard at work behind the scenes prepping things for an unforgettable year, though the challenges may be great we’re excited to provide you with an experience only Furpocalypse and its creative minds can deliver! 

And with that we would like to give a warm and tropical welcome to our Furpocalypse 2020 guests of honor Cyamallo and DeadlyComics! Both artists bring a unique and fun flavor to this year’s theme of “Horror in Paradise”. We’re excited to see what fun content they have in the works for us, so be sure to keep an eye on our Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms. For more information and links to their work head on over our GUEST OF HONOR page.

Two of our most popular attractions every year are our Dealer’s Den and Artist Alley. With the expansion of our Dealer’s staff, we hope to bring you a wide selection of different artists and vendors. More information will be released in the coming months as we iron out the final details of our layout.

Are you one of those people who never attend a panel because you can’t find that particular thing to scratch that itch? Then we want YOU to help us out! Host a panel and help your fellow attendee fill that empty time slot in their day. With the addition of all this new space we hope to bring you even more new and exciting programing and open social space. Furpocalypse depends on the creative minds of our attendees to help bring panels and performances directly to you. Whether it be an entertaining discussion, on-stage performance, or learning a new craft, there’s something for everyone! Check out our PANELS section for more information.

Our Con Book editing team is always looking for submissions to help add to this unique souvenir of ours. Whether it be in the form of poetry, short story, or artwork, we’re always happy to feature the creativity of our attendees. Physical media submitted to our Con Book is added to our annual charity auction to help raise money for the US War Dogs Association and True Colors. We’re once again proud to feature these two causes that are important to us and our community. For more information and how to donate to these causes follow the CHARITIES link here.

All this can only be possible with the support of our dedicated staff, volunteers and loyal attendees. But the task is not yet done! We still need your help to make sure Furpocalypse 2020 goes off without a hitch (or as few hitches as possible)! Please make sure you check out our newly added OPEN STAFF POSITIONS page and see if you can help add to the Furpocalypse family. If you’re looking to help out on a more temporary or low key level, head on over to our VOLUNTEERS section.

We can all agree that our former building had seen better years despite being an “M.C. Escher painting built on a crack in reality”. Though we will miss the cozyness of our former venue, we’re excited to let you make new and long lasting memories with your fellow members of the Anthropomorphic community.

Furpocalypse is proud and appreciative of your continued support as we grow into our new home, and we can’t wait to see you in October.

The Furpocalypse Board of Directors