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After 2 years adrift in the COVID Sea, Furpocalypse has washed ashore on what appears to be a Tropical Island Paradise!!!

…And what’s this?!? Deadly Comics and Scotch(Cyamallo) have washed ashore too!

We’re very excited to welcome you to our new home in Stamford Connecticut. Our staff have been hard at work setting up the very best convention possible and are pleased to announce the opening of Registration, Dealer’s Den, Artist Alley, and Panel/Event applications in May, followed by Hotel Reservations in July. Please keep an eye on our social media and here on our website for updates and important dates.

For now, we’ll get back to our preparations, making huts, grooming the beach, and of course building some Tiki bars 😉 We’re just going to ignore those glowing eyes watching us from the bushes, because in this wonderful paradise, what could possibly go wrong…???

I guess you’ll just have to join us October 27th through the 30th to find out what “Horror” might be lurking in “Paradise”.

We can’t wait to see you there!

– ALL the Furpocalypse Staff