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Furpoc Freestyle

Furpoc Freestyle is a freestyle dance battle tournament that places dancers into head-to-head battles against each other to see who can throw down the best dance moves.  Furpoc Freestyle will feature a single mixed division that features fursuiters and non-suiters.

For dancers interested in competing, we will be hosting Prelims on Friday, Nov 1st, 2024 at 1:00 PM.  Prelims will give you an opportunity to practice with our battle format, provide information on the event, and be able to meet up with other dancers in the furry community.  Prelims are an open event, so con attendees are welcome to spectate!  Prelims will be used to decide which dancers will qualify for the final tournament.


  • Furpoc Freestyle is split up into 2 parts: Prelims and Finals.
    • Prelims is loosely based on a Swiss-system tournament.  Each dancer will get to battle at least 2 opponents.  All dancers who wish to compete can participate in Prelims.  Prelims will determine who qualifies for Finals
    • Finals is a single elimination tournament.  Dancers that qualify will have anywhere between 1 to 4 battles, depending on how far they get in the bracket.  Finals will determine the Furpoc Freestyle Champion!
  • All battles are 1v1.  Prelim battles feature 1 song and Finals battles feature 2 songs. Songs are selected randomly from a set playlist featuring Hip Hop, electronic, and pop.
  • Dancers will be given 25 to 45 seconds to dance to each song.
  • Judges will determine who is the winner based on left/right/tie voting
  • If a battle in the finals result in a tie, dancers will get an additional song to battle to as a tiebreaker
    • Judges will use left/right voting in tiebreakers
    • Prelim battles will not have tiebreakers
  • Dancers are given the option to decide who would like to dance first.  If neither dancer decides to go first, a bottle will be spun to choose who dances first.
  • Dancers are allowed to move & react during their opponent’s turn, but are not allowed to take the spotlight until it is their turn.
  • Offensive or sextual gestures, inappropriate attire, and physical contact during a battle are prohibited
  • Dancers who choose to wear a fursuit are expected to wear at minimum a head and tail, no skin must be showing.  Attire such as street shoes and baseball gloves are allowed.
  • Call time for dancers is 30 minutes before Prelims and Finals.  If a dancer fails to show up at call time, they will be removed from the competitor list.

Furpocalypse is not liable for any injuries or damages to attire during the event.  Dancers are competing at their own risk.